254 Princeton St, Martinsburg, WV 25404
The address FOR RENT / OR OWNER FINANCE – 254 Princeton St, Martinsburg, WV 25404
FOR RENT – $2,200.00

You can then take a look at the property. We can set that up very easily.
2. View the Property
After viewing the home and you are interested based on the condition, the location, the price, and the terms, then we need to get you to complete the online application.
3. Application
We then need to verify your income and employment. We will verify your monthly income and proof of employment using the most recent pay stubs. We will need to run a background check and eviction check. $50.00 fee
4. Sign the Lease
When you are verified, we can sign the agreement and get your deposit. The home will no longer be available to the public.
5. Move in!
You can move in, right then and there!
You will then make your monthly lease payment via the apartments.com portal that we will set up for you. Start enjoying the home!